Thursday, July 16, 2015

Day 30–Mon—7/13: Drive to Jasper through Mt. Robson Park; saw a bear; bike ride in campground.

We drove about 4 hours today from Clearwater--Dutch Lake, British Columbia to Jasper in Alberta, Canada.  This is the northernmost part of our trip.  The sun was still out at 10:15 pm.  The drive was beautiful, with stunning valleys overlooking forests, lakes, and glacially caved mountains.  We saw a large glacier way off in the Canadian Rockies.  We drove through Mt. Robson Provincial Park, seeing the highest peak in the Canadian Rockies shrouded in clouds and snow.  We also saw (and almost hit) a clumsy juvenile bear running across the highway in front of our car.  Once in camp, we rode our bikes through the beautiful forested bike path.  We found two large, gorgeous woodpeckers with red heads.  We also found a few geocaches.  It rained pretty heavily so we barbequed chicken wings outside under the awning in the rain.  Since it kept raining, we watched the next Harry Potter movie.  Sarah’s excited because she now gets to read the last Harry Potter book.  And then that’s the last 2 movies of the series we will watch.   It was a relaxing day in sheer beauty.

Leaving British Columbia and entering Alberta, Canada

Mount Robson--tallest mountain in the Canadian Rockies (in clouds)

Canadian Rockies

Biggest woodpecker we've ever seen, in our campsite in Jasper, Alberta, Canada

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