Thursday, July 2, 2015

Day 16 –-Monday—6/29: Day trip to beautiful Crater Lake, OR

 Wow—Crater Lake is stunningly beautiful.  The Windex-blue colored water in the 6-mile diameter crater is spectacular,  surrounded by the dramatic rim/edge of the crater.  Crater lake is definitely a must.  It is the deepest lake in the US—1945 feet--and is the clearest lake as well.  Seeing Wizard Island—a cinder cone volcano--emerge from the gorgeous water is dramatic and just great.  We drove around the crater and stopped at many overlooks and took short walks to see various views of the rim and the lake.  At one stop, Sam took a short hike up a path to get a slightly different vantage point, turned a corner on the forested path, and was face to face with a beautiful female deer.   They froze and watched each other for about 20 seconds before the deer walked off into the bushes.  The highlight of Crater Lake was hiking the 1.1 mile trail down to the water’s edge.  We brought our lunch and ate it and then we all swam in the cold water (except Andrea—chicken!).  The water is around 50 degrees.  There was a 20 foot high rock that Sam jumped off into the “refreshing” turquoise-colored water.   After the kids finished the Junior Ranger program at the visitor center, we then headed back and looked at the incredible Rogue Gorge—a narrow lava tube canyon at the headwaters of the Rogue River where river water is gushing through the canyon.  Very impressive.  We then stopped for ice cream in a tiny two-building town on a remote highway when Andrea’s friend Cristie, who we had plans to visit the next day, drove by at 60 MPH and recognized us outside the shop in the middle of nowhere!  What an awesome coincidence.  It was great!  Andrea and I love the “it’s such a small world” moments when one runs into a friend in the craziest places.  We enjoyed their company for about an hour and then headed back to the RV to enjoy dinner by the river.

Leverings at Crater Lake with Wizard Island in background

NOT PHOTOSHOPPED!!!  The water really was this color.  No really! Windex blue!

Swimming in COLD Crater Lake.  Beautiful! 


  1. Crater Lake is absolutely breathtaking! I'm impressed that you all braved the 50-degree water with smiles on your faces :) Thanks for sharing another set of great photos and summary of your day.

  2. Beautiful photos! We love Crater Lake. So glad we ran into you that evening!
