Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 13—Friday—6/26: Great Cats, OR and the Rogue River (tubing and RV park), Southern Oregon

Today we left the Redwoods, CA and drove 1 hour north to “Great Cats of the World” in southern Oregon.  It is an incredible “zoo” that does incredible conservation work with many big cats where you take a tour and learn lots of interesting information about each animal and get demonstrations of how they climb, eat, how tall they are standing up, etc.  It was great seeing the following animals and others less than 5 feet away (behind a cage of course):  lion, Bengal tiger, Siberian tiger, lynx, mountain lion, African wild cat, jaguar, leopard, etc.  It was amazing seeing the grace and beauty of all these wild cats.  For each enclosure that we went to, Sarah was right there in front, making sure to get the best view.  She could have stayed here all day.  The coolest part was seeing 2 separate cats literally stalk small children in our group and run quietly full speed at them right up to the fence to try to eat them.  It was 2 incredible displays of predation—humbling. 

After seeing the cats, we drove 1 more hour to Grants Pass, OR and checked in to the RV park.  We are staying right on the Rogue River.  Great views with lots of geese, heron and ducks.  After Ryan finished reading the entire last Harry Potter book, we inflated our tubes and I drove Andrea, Ryan and Sarah up the river about 2 miles and dropped them off.  They tubed for about 30 minutes down 3 different rapids and the other very scenic sections of the Rogue river.  Two of these 3 rapids were really bumpy and wild.  It was exciting and really fun!  They tubed and exited right at our RV.  Then Andrea drove me up there and I rode down while the 3 of them stayed in camp (the kids didn’t want to go a 2nd time today).  We saw baby ducks and gosling, as well as many heron.  We cooked outside but ate inside in the AC due to the heat wave (101 degrees here in grants pass).   The kids also rode bikes, played in the river and panned for gold again (a lot of gold dust in this river).  We’ll be in Oregon for 10 days. 

Our campsite right on the Rogue River in Grants Pass, Southern Oregon

View from our RV down river

view from our RV up river

tubing the calm part of the Rogue River

Returning to the RV from tubing down 3 rapids on the Rogue River

1 comment:

  1. Those big cats are amazing! And it looks like you had a lot of fun on the river. Thanks for sharing your Oregon experience with us!
