Saturday, June 27, 2015

Day 11—Wednesday—6/24: Battery Point Lighthouse, geocaching through the redwood groves

Today we went to the beautiful Battery Point lighthouse—which has been lived in and operated by people continuously since the 1850s.   It is completely surrounded by water except at low tide when you can walk out to it.  So we went there at low tide and took the tour.  It was an awesome tour with tons of information about lighthouses and Crescent City.   We climbed up the ladder to the top where the operating light is—that was cool.   The light can be seen 14 miles out to sea when there isn’t fog.  We were really impressed.  We also saw a spouting whale near shore from the lighthouse.  That was great too.  After the tour, we did laundry, had lunch, and caught up on email (the kids played Minecraft.  They got their fix).  

Paul Bunyon (hairy chest :) ) and Babe the Blue Ox

Light house, Crescent City, CA

Battery Point Lighthouse--walking access only at low tide

Then we drove the scenic Howland Hill road through many gorgeous redwood groves.  The dirt road is narrow and winds through redwood trees.  It’s fun to drive and really impressive.  We found many geocaches along the way and hiked Stout Grove to some 300+ foot tall redwoods.  This place is incredible—we highly recommend it.  We came home and barbequed under the giant redwoods in our campsite.  We also had a fire and made smores again and played “guess the animal” game we made up.

Kids climbing giant redwood tree

Ryan photo bomb in a redwood grove

Bigfoot sighting


  1. Really enjoying all of these great pictures and descriptions! Love the lighthouse photos -- absolutely stunning! I can tell everyone is having an amazing time :)

  2. Nice Gumby waves! Did you go through Gurneville or a small town called Duncan's Mills (pop. 25)? That's where we spent a few summers.
