Monday, June 15, 2015

Day 1, Sunday,  6/14/15 – Gold Country, Coloma, CA

We got up early and headed out for our drive to Coloma.  Traffic was light, so we got there in 7 ½ hours after 2 short stops.  We’re staying at Coloma Resorts campground, and we’re in a spot right by the river, so the kids immediately went down to the river to explore.  We’re right by Sutter’s Mill, where they first found gold in California, so the kids spent a little time panning for gold before we went tubing down the river right along our campground. It was fun, and great to cool off in the river, considering the 97 degree weather.  We saw 5 deer, lots of geese, some hawks, and a heron.  Not bad for the first day of our trip! 

Tomorrow morning we’re going white water rafting!  Sam will probably do most of the postings on our blog going forward (with more elaborate commentary), but I figured I’d get it started.  Check back soon...

-       Andrea

Panning for gold - they found a few small flakes

Going tubing!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you're off to such a great start! Great pics -- I can imagine how much fun the kids had panning for gold and tubing! Have fun white-water rafting today. Thanks so much for sharing this experience with us through this blog :)
